Ten-year-old Martha has leadership skills. At least, that’s what her parents say. Her cousins, Sanjay and Anand, say she’s bossy. When Martha sneakily adopts a very pregnant cat from a garage sale free box right before her cousins come for a long visit, it puts a serious kink in her carefully laid plans for summer. […]
About Sue Campbell
I’m Sue Campbell, author of The Cat, the Cash, the Leap and the List, a novel for middle grade readers.
I live with my husband, two daughters, six chickens, and a rabbit on a quasi-urban farm in Portland, Oregon. Portland is a bit of a weird place, but it’s perfect for someone like me — someone who gets crazy excited about finding strange things and making up stories to explain them.
I cohost The Mommy’s Pen Podcast with my twelve-year-old daughter where we talk about and dissect stories.
My writing has been published in lots of places, including Good Housekeeping, Prevention, Scary Mommy, Mamalode, PDX Parent.
Think pieces for parents, fun stuff for kids.
For kids & parents: The Mommy’s Pen Podcast
Writer Sue Campbell talks books, stories and story structure with her eleven-year-old daughter, Nora.
It’s short and sweet…and all about books and what makes a good story.
So if you’re a parent, a writer, or a kid who just loves good books, you’ll enjoy it.
Also, Nora is pretty hilarious.
New episodes every Friday. Listen today!
For parents: the Mommy’s Pen blog

Chickens Does!
By Sue Campbell
The two-year-old wanders into the kitchen carrying the toilet brush. Mom takes toilet brush away, goes to bathroom and replaces the industrial strength rubber band that serves as child-proofing on the cabinet knobs. Mom returns to kitchen. Twenty minutes later, mom returns to the bathroom to find an entire pint of organic blueberries resting on […]
For kids: Meet Martha, Sanjay and Anand

Character Sketches
Martha Fitzgerald: Ten-year-old Martha has leadership skills. Sometimes she uses them on people who don't particularly feel like being led. Like her cousins, Sanjay and Anand. Or her pregnant cat. Sanjay Bajwa: Ten-year-old Sanjay (he happens to be six weeks older than his cousin Martha) is obsessed with bikes. When he's at home in Minnesota, he's tearing around his neighborhood on his dirt bike, or going on a long ride through country roads and trails with his dad. Anand … Read More about Character Sketches